Merit Badge Book Reminder
If you are finished with a merit badge and still have the book, please return it as soon as possible. The faster this is done, the more books the troop will have for others to use. Thank you.
If it ain't damp, we can't camp!
If you are finished with a merit badge and still have the book, please return it as soon as possible. The faster this is done, the more books the troop will have for others to use. Thank you.
Life To Eagle – May 2nd, 7 pm Canoe Training – May 13th (You MUST attend in order to) go on the canoe trip. Moose Camporee – May 19-21st Canoe Trip – Jun 2-4th Court of Honor – Jun 26th 7 pm Summer Camp – Jul 9-15th Twilight Camp – Jul 10-14th – Help Needed Sweet Dreams – Jul 21-22nd Cub Continue Reading
SCOUTING ADVENTURES “Scouting Adventures” is this weekend. We will meet on Friday (The 7th). We will be camping for two nights and will be setting up a station for other scouts to come to. After Scouting Adventures… After “Scouting Adventures” at 3:30 pm, Scouts have the option to work on the swimming related rank requirements (Swim Continue Reading