Adopt a Highway and the T-84 Bike Rodeo will be on Mar 30th. Adopt a Highway will be from 9:00 am – Noon. This is a Troop project where we pick up trash on a three mile stretch of a nearby road and show the community that we are doing our part to help keep Continue Reading
March 13, 2019
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Troop 84’s Court of Honor is this Monday, 3/18, at 7 pm. Scouts will be recognized for rank advancements, merit badges that they have earned, and other awards. Family members are invited to attend. Being mindful of potential allergies, please bring a snack to share after the ceremony. Scouts are to be in their full Continue Reading
“Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is to step outside and do nothing… relax and enjoy nature.” – Melanie Charlene